JETT (eng)

(born on 24-04-2016)

On 11 June there was unexpectedly Jett with us at home!
I had called the breeder to get some information if she can put in on the list for a nest perhaps next year.
She told me there was at this moment a nest and a buyer for a puppy had cancelled ( just 5 minuts ago she told me ), so just free again a black girl…that’s what I was looking for 😉

Jett was 6 weeks old and I have to choice between two black girls. I dropped a bunch of keys and Jett was picking up and the other girl leave it….my choice was maked!

On the age of 7 weeks I take her at home!

Jett is a very relaxed puppy which learn things very quick!
Good friends with Joy….a lot of play-fun 😉
together with Joy…training “stay”
8 weeks old…Ishe likes agility-tunnel 😉
training as assistence-dog she likes very much, wash out of the washing-machine is not any problem !
Jett 6 months old!
Jett vindt echt elk streepje zon 😉
Joy en Jett voorjaar 2018

Because I have to stop with my oldest dog Joy, she was bad injured, I started with Jett to take part into agility-matches…she was very enthousiast…sometimes to much…we need more training 😉

By this Jett was also need to give demonstrations as assistencedog and agility and “live agility” on a lot of Events…not easy for a young dog…but she showed us she liked it very much, was very enthousiast!

demonstration as assistensedog by Canitrail, September 2018
demonstration assistencedog on Farm & Country Fair, Aalten Juni 2018

Now the last trainings as assistencedog and later examination ..then she will be my official and can my oldest dog be retired 😉

Jett actif giving demonstrations ” live agility””as tube and weaves by peoplle on Bark in The Park in Baarn
( May2018)

Jett gives demonstrations as assistence-dog and para-agility on different Events in 2019 as: Farmfood Sponsorday in Nijverdal on 31 March, World Agility Championship in Hellendoorn on 14 April, Animal Event in Hilvarenbeek on 3,4- 5 May , Farm & Country Fair in Aalten 21-23 June and we were invited on the Final Para-Agility in Voghera in Italy on 9 & 10 November!

Demonstration live-agility on WAC 2019
(click on for video)

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Final Para-Agility in Italy 2019
(click on for video)

Jett did examination by Dogschool for assistencedogs De Click ( ) on 01-10-2019 at our home and in shops etc. in our domicilie Hoogland.
The examination was decreased by Sanne Singer ( owner of this organisation) together trainster Lijanne Wiebing……succesfull and now she have the name: International Assistencedog !

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Jett in action

Jett is very enthousiast in agility, very fast and running another way as my other dogs…..we have to find a new way of training!

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I had Jett signed up for ParAgility World Championship 2019 in Valencia, Spain…good for her experience!

PAWC 2019 Valencia, Spain
(click on for video)

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Joy-Jett-Juul ( Juul came with us november 2020)
Juul and Jett (right) Spring 2022

Two years of silence by Corona (Covid) …but begin 2022 all things of Events and demonstrations start again….so Jett had given demonstrations on Animal Event begin of May, on Farm & Country Fair in Aalten end of Juni en took part into the 19th ParAgility World Championship in Voghera, Italy half August.
On the agility-course a fault, so 6th place……but ofcourse I was very proud of her!

JETT on PAWC 2022 in Italy running agility-course
(click on for video)